Wherever He Leads, I’ll Go
We follow, not because we want to go but because He calls us to. RS Jones lived that commitment. It was his life. My prayer is that I can be a man like that; ready and willing to go wherever He leads.
Wherever He leads, I’ll go
Sometimes I wonder how serious I am about my commitment to follow Jesus. I wonder, do I really have what it takes to follow Him wherever He asks me to go?
R.S. Jones was a career missionary who spent most of his life in Brazil. He left the comforts of home and followed Christ to a land of jungles and strangers. In 1936, he returned to the states and spoke at a Sunday School Convention.
After speaking, B.B. KcKinney met with him and they began to talk about their lives. Jones shared some bad news with his old friend. A doctor had given him strict instructions. His health was failing and he would not be allowed to return to the mission field. It was devastating news to a man who knew nothing else. McKinney felt his pain. He looked his friend in the eye and asked, “What will you do?”
Jones, who had followed Jesus his whole life, replied the only way he knew. He said, “I don’t know. Wherever He leads, I’ll go.”
Those words would not leave McKinney’s mind. They hung with him and by the end of the week, he had written the lyrics and music of a hymn, dedicated to his old friend.
On the last night of the gathering, he preached about his friends’ story and sang the new song to all who were in attendance. That hymn has become a rallying tune for all those who consider the cost of following a God who may take us anywhere, anytime and to any end.
We follow, not because we want to go but because He calls us to. RS Jones lived that commitment. It was his life. My prayer is that I can be a man like that; ready and willing to go wherever He leads.
“Take up thy cross and follow me,”
I heard my Master say;
“I gave my life to ransom thee,
Surrender your all today.”
Wherever He leads I’ll go,
Wherever He leads I’ll go,
I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so,
Wherever He leads I’ll go.
He drew me closer to His side,
I sought His will to know,
And in that will I now abide,
Wherever He leads I’ll go.
It may be through the shadows dim,
Or o’er the stormy sea,
I take my cross and follow Him,
Wherever He leadeth me.