The Birds Of The Air
Jesus died for your soul. He did not put Himself on a cross so that we could just sit around and feel comfortable. We are made to grow. We need to get out of the nest and make a difference in the world.
The Birds Of The Air
The other day, I read in a magazine where someone had written to a bird-lovers column. A bird watcher had observed a pigeon building a nest and was concerned because some of the sticks were quite sharp. Some even had thorns in them. She was worried for the babies because they could be injured so she wanted to go and remove the sharp objects from the nest.
It’s our nature to want to make life easy for our young ones. However, there is a purpose for the thorns. Some birds start their nests with a layer of thorns. They cover that layer with soft things like fur, grass, moss ... whatever will line the nest and protect the young birds.
They know something about parenting. There will come a time when the baby needs to leave the nest. How do you get a comfortable, homebody to leave their home? The mother “stirs up the nest” which removes the soft comfortable layer. This exposes the young birds to the thorns and sharp sticks. Those thorns drive the young birds out of the nest where they can finally grow and become a mature adult.
Do you see the Christian analogy? As Christians, we find great comfort in sitting in our churches. Church is a great place to be. But, we aren’t meant to sit in church forever. If that is all we ever do for Christ, we will never grow and mature into the Christians that God wants us to be.
Jesus died for your soul. He did not put Himself on a cross so that we could just sit around and feel comfortable. We are made to grow. We need to get out of the nest and make a difference in the world.
Are you comfortable at your church? Comfort is not a bad thing, but if it is keeping us from growing and being challenged, we need to change something. Are you going out into the world and showing others what Jesus is all about? Maybe it’s time to get out of the best and become a difference-maker.
If that sounds like a challenge, you are correct.
Deuteronomy 32:11
“Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that hovers over its young, He spread His wings and caught them, He carried them on His pinions.”