What Is The Bible’s Purpose?
Over the course of many years, I have settled on this answer: The purpose of the Bible is to tell us the story of redemption from God's point of view. What does that mean to you and me? It means that God wants you to know that He has redeemed us.
What Is The Bible’s Purpose?
One of the questions that I hear a lot as a pastor is this: "What is the purpose of the Bible?"
Over the course of many years, I have settled on this answer: The purpose of the Bible is to tell us the story of redemption from God's point of view. What does that mean to you and me? It means that God wants you to know that He has redeemed us.
Redemption means to take something from the world and to give it back to God. It often meant to re-purchase something that used to belong to you but is no longer yours.
To God, that is us. Being redeemed is important to you because it tells you that God knows you, He understands and He is coming for you. The Bible is there to tell you that God wants you back.
Every page you read, every Word that is written is put there by God to give you hope. The Bible is about hope. It is about you and I finding meaning for our lives. God is telling you at every turn that He wants you, He cares for you and He has purchased you back!
Which brings us to Christmas and the New Year. This is the celebration of redemption unfolding before our eyes. When Jesus was born in that stable in Bethlehem, that was God enacting His plan of redemption.
This year, let’s acknowledge that God has brought hope into a world in need of redemption. Celebrate the birth of Christ by thanking God for the hope that is in Him!
John 1:4
“In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.”